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Concerned Women for America of North Dakota News

By April 2, 2010North Dakota
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Concerned Women for America of North Dakota Takes Part in WinBackWashington Event


Once again, Concerned Women for America joined Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota) at a WinBackWashington event. Check out for more information, Bachmann’s speech and photos from the event. CWA sponsored two panels at this event, Life/Family and Health Care. Both panels were well-attended and what a great audience we had. Great comments, questions and participation as we discussed issues like health care legislation, pro-life issues, post- abortion, definition of family, abstinence, immigration, UN treaties, poverty prevention and more. CWA offers a sincere thank you to the following people who participated on the panels; Jody Clemens, Alison Grotberg, Mary Franson, Grethcen Hoffman and Kay Kiefer. It is our sincere hope and prayer that people attending these panels will get involved at the grassroots level and join CWA in our efforts to promote and keep Biblical values in the public square!

At the main event in the evening, politicians sat up front listening while the people spoke through an open microphone set up. This is the second such event in which CWA has participated including the TakeBackWashington event in Bismarck last month. Approximately one thousand people attended this event with an equal number signed up to watch online!

Concerned Women for America of North Dakota Attends Tea Party in Fargo

The Fargo Tea Party was located outside the Fargo Civic Center where the North Dakota Congressional delegation was participating in the North Dakota Democratic Convention. The theme was, “Can you hear us now?” Approximately 400 people braved the cold, windy and rainy day to call on our Congressional Delegation to come out and join us and listen!!