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Concerned Women for America of North Carolina Joins 40 Days for Life Fall 2010 Campaign

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On October 21, 2010, Concerned Women for America of North Carolina prayed for an hour at each of the three 40 Days for Life prayer vigils held in Charlotte, Winston Salem, and Raleigh. The 40 Days for Life Fall 2010 campaign began on Wednesday, September 22 and finished on Sunday, October 31. This international prayer and fasting campaign for an end to abortion was held in 238 U. S. cities as well as Canada, Australia, England, Northern Ireland, and Denmark.

One of the most encouraging reports from the 40 Days of prayer outside of abortion centers is the number of babies that were saved. Nationally, there are reports of 632 babies saved; 43 of those babies were saved right here in North Carolina.

Concerned Women for America of North Carolina has participated in all of the 40 Days for Life prayer vigils since they began in the fall of 2007. Below is a picture of one of the North Carolina babies saved from the 2008 campaign along with his mother. They came back to join prayer warriors in Charlotte at the 2010 vigil. This young boy, Alan, is a living witness to the sanctity of life and his mother, Maria, an inspiration to us all.


Concerned Women for America of North Carolina will join the next 40 Days for Life campaign from March 9 through April 17, 2011. Please consider helping your community participate in this 40 Days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. For more details, go to