Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee Speaks Out in Support of Pro-Life Commercial at Yesterday’s Press Conference

By October 15, 2012Virginia

Last week Women Speak Out PAC, the super PAC of the national pro-life Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List), announced a $150,000 ad buy in Virginia and unveiled a new television ad at a press conference in the state capitol in Richmond. Linda Wall and other pro-family leaders were in attendance supporting the commercial.


“Knowing the truth is what sets people free. Women have been lied to concerning the unborn. Once, I believed the lie that it was a mass of tissue, but when I saw a picture of the little feet of the unborn at ten weeks, I knew that we were killing unborn babies. These unborn babies grow up to be real people who have something to contribute to society. Concerned women must speak out so women can know the truth.” Wall stated during the press conference.

Click here to view commercial.