Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee Applauds Passage of Texas Pro-Life Bill

Washington, D.C. – Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee CEO and President, Penny Nance, responds to the news of the passage of pro-life bill, HB 2, in Texas late last night:

“The gratitude goes to all in Texas who stood for life and the glory goes to God. This was the culmination of efforts of Texans, including our 20,000 Concerned Women for America members and leaders in Texas. They joined with national pro-life groups to demonstrate the tenets of this common-sense bill, something pro-aborts did everything to avoid.

Pro-choice advocates redirected the discussion away from the content and intent of this bill by touting tampons and dogmas about so-called “women’s rights” along with their fascination over pink tennis shoes.

Texas’s HB 2 bill, the “Unborn Pain Capable Child Protection Act” on the federal level and similar bills in other states, are for better or worse very limited, common ground legislation. HB 2 bans abortions after five months of pregnancy in Texas and requires Texas abortion clinics to meet basic medical standards, such as having active admitting privileges at a hospital in case the abortion goes wrong, providing the pregnant woman with a telephone number to a physician and the name and telephone number of a nearby hospital in case complications occur after an abortion (as they commonly do).

That’s why Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richard, showed up in Austin last week and why I chose to rally our Concerned Women for America members at the state capitol on Monday night. Because pro-aborts have never seen an abortion they don’t like.

Our side is the compassionate winning side. Clearly the nation is with us when Cecile Richards can’t win her home state.

Texas legislators saw that this is what Texans and Americans wanted, with poll after poll showing that a majority support banning abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy and common-sense regulations on abortion clinics, and voted likewise. Today we applaud them.”

If you would like an interview with Penny Nance, please contact Alison Howard at or 202-266-4816.
Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee is the nation’s largest public policy women’s organization with 500,000 participating members across the country, over 450 Prayer/Action Chapters and Home Teams, 600 trained leaders and over 30 years of service to our nation