Concerned Women for America Cheers HHS Rule Ending Hidden Obamacare Abortion Surcharge

Washington, DC — Today the Trump Administration announced a final rulemaking that restores congressional intent in Obamacare to keep any coverage of abortion-related services separate from premiums for health care services.

Section 1303 of the Affordable Care Act is now clarified to require that an abortion surcharge be collected separately from health care premiums.  The Trump Administration is reversing the Obama-era guidance that allowed payments to be made together in one bill.  The Department of Health and Human Services will now require that these payments be clearly separated and transparent.

Penny Nance, CEO and President of Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee made the following statement:

“This final rule is a win for accountability to the law and a clear message that abortion is not to be confused with health care.  Concerned Women for America and many of our members commented in favor of this important rule change demanding transparency in Obamacare.

“Concerned Women for America continues to fight against any federal funds or programs being used to promote or pay for abortion.  The Trump Administration has made further progress in its commitment to protecting life with this important rule change to Obamacare.  We thank President Trump for his pro-life promise to keep government programs and rules accountable to the American taxpayer.”