Make your first step to promote the human life amendment

By March 7, 2014North Dakota

Dear Friends,

I am pleased to announce that a broad-based coalition of organizations and community leaders has formed ND Choose Life, a ballot measure committee that will work to pass #1 Measure, the proposed Human Life Amendment on the November 2014 ballot.

The Human Life Amendment reads: “The inalienable right to life of every human being at any stage of development must be recognized and protected.”

I am honored to have the opportunity to work with this outstanding, bi-partisan coalition of groups and community leaders in support of the Human Life Amendment. This amendment will provide urgently needed legal protections in our state constitution to make sure our sensible laws to protect life, women, and families are upheld in the courts. I hope you will support it.

ND Choose Life is a coalition of pro-life, pro-family, women’s and religious organizations. Supporters include the North Dakota Catholic Conference, North Dakota Family Alliance, North Dakota Life League, Love Them Both, North Dakota Right to Life and the North Dakota chapter of Concerned Women for America LAC, among others.

North Dakota has some wonderful laws on the books such as ensuring that women are given full disclosure of information prior to an abortion, making sure parents are notified if their daughter is seeking an abortion, and prohibiting children who are partially born from being killed before their birth can be completed.

Unfortunately, wealthy out-of-state special interest groups regularly challenge our laws and attempt to persuade judges to invent a state constitutional right to abortion as a way of overturning these laws. The Human Life Amendment will give us needed legal protection against a judge inventing a right to abortion, as recently happened in Fargo.

Ruling on the validity of two laws passed by the Legislature to protect the health and safety of women receiving abortions, Judge Wickham Corwin claimed that the North Dakota Constitution contains an implicit right to abortion. The Human Life Amendment would make clear that the constitution protects every person’s inalienable right to life.

I hope you will consider joining our efforts as a supporter or volunteer. We are in the process of building our website, but you can sign up as a supporter today by going to This way you may receive direct e-mails and information during the coming months about the ongoing work to pass this measure. In the near future, you will be able to make a financial contribution online. If you would like to make a donation by check, please print and fill out the donation form and make the check out to ND Choose Life and mail it to ND Choose Life P.O. Box 1351, Bismarck, ND 58502-1351. Every donation is needed and greatly appreciated!

We expect the campaign to pass the Human Life Amendment to be one of the most talked-about and watched campaigns this year in the state and very possibly in the nation. The abortion industry will throw everything including the kitchen sink at us in a desperate attempt to derail this. We need your prayers and support if we are to be successful in protecting every person’s inalienable right to life.

Pray for the Coalition committee as they discern God’s will in making decisions that best disseminate information, fundraise efficiently and appropriately, and honor Him through this process. Please pray that the NDChooseLife website will be seen by thousands and that it will educate and inspire readers to support this important measure. Pray that hearts will be touched and convicted once they hear the truth about the Human Life Amendment.

Again, please go to the website for the latest information about the campaign and to register your support. And pass it on to a friend!


Janne Myrdal
State Director