Christ Restoring a Male/Female Identity in a Sexually Confused World

The issue is hot.  Transgender people want to use the bathroom of the sex they “identify” with, not the one that they actually belong to physically.

CWA has a multi-pronged approach to solving these issues.  There has been state legislation that mandates using the bathroom of your born sex.  We are boycotting Target for its policy that anyone can use anyone’s bathroom policy. We are fighting the LGBT community’s attacks on religious freedom.

CWA is about prayer, education, and action. So along with all the important action we are taking above, we should also take a step back to look at root causes – and root solutions – from a need for a better education regarding gender identity and its theological implications.

But how do we pray and educate about an issue so sensitive and nuanced?

With the grace and truth of a Christian.

CWA implores all people – transgender and otherwise – to find true identity in Christ. Transgenderism is a form of broken sexuality – which every human faces in one form or another.

God created us male and female.  That’s it. Just those two genders.  Both of them are required to complete the image of God (Genesis 1:27).

Adam and Eve lost their sexual identity back in the Garden of Eden.  Adam’s body – the man’s body – is literally designed to give of itself, and the woman’s to actively receive that gift in committed marital union. The man’s body functions as a reminder of the giving love of God, and the woman’s body functions as a reminder that we all must receive love from God.

But Adam and Eve fell out of their identity.  Adam forgot to help Eve remember God’s love, instead standing silent at the tree while she was told lies by Satan. And Eve forgot to receive God’s love, instead displaying openness to deception. Adam showed the worst of man – first passive and then abusive – blaming Eve for what happened.  Eve showed the worst of woman – manipulative and disregarding of her role to “help” (meaning “rescue”) Adam – instead deeply hurting him.

It was through Christ that the masculine and feminine identity was restored.  In Christ, women like Mary Magdalene were freed from seven demons and the woman at the well found her perfect lover.  In Christ, men like Peter were forgiven of betrayal, and men like Thomas were forgiven for doubt.  What Christians are is a testimony to the fact that brokenness can be opened to the unconditional and healing love of God.  Instead of hiding in our shame as Adam and Eve did, we open our nakedness to God – in all its ugliness.

When Jesus gives the command to remove the stone from the grave of Lazarus, He was warned that there would be a stench.  But that didn’t deter Jesus!  He replied: “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” (John 11:40)

Do we believe that the glory of God is able to rescue us from all our broken pieces?  Do we believe that He will restore our identity?  Do we look to Him as the example of perfect manhood Who came born of woman to restore male and female identity?

A transgender person is likely unready to hear theology and learn about Adam and Eve.  But understanding the origins of where things went wrong is a start for believers who want to submit their own sin to God, who wish to gain testimonies of how God has worked in their lives. Aligning ourselves with God’s plan for man and woman is the solution side of the problem.  Let us pray deeply for the ability to live into our male and female identity with more fullness, that we might offer a restorative picture for all of the world.

Chaney Mullins serves as Concerned Women for America’s Special Projects Writer.

Editor’s Note: Many thanks to Christopher West who extrapolates these ideas in his teaching as a lay theologian.  Learn more at