Check out North Dakota’s Pregnancy and Parenting portal.

By July 7, 2024North Dakota

Concerned Women for America (CWA) of North Dakota wants you to know about the state’s online portal resource for expectant mothers and families. CWA of North Dakota leaders and pro-life legislators worked together in the last legislative session to see the North Dakota Health and Human Services develop the website, which links users to the “Welcome to North Dakota’s Pregnancy and Parenting” portal.

CWA’s CEO and President, Penny Nance, has been encouraging the creation of an online portal at the federal and state level to help mothers and families in need find the resources of pregnancy help centers, adoption services, and other available pregnancy and parenting services. With our state’s website, North Dakota provides compassionate care and life-giving support to assist mothers and their babies, and resources are available to them.

To help spread the word about the website, North Dakota Health and Human Services developed a postcard, “Life ND Helps New Parents Take Their First Steps.”

Let’s join them in spreading the word; forward this message to your friends and family today!