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Center for Reproductive Rights Files Suit Against the State of North Dakota on Behalf of Red River Abortion Facility

By May 16, 2013North Dakota
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Once again the abortion industry is showing its true colors. They care for the bottom line, not for the health of women and certainly not the unborn child. On Tuesday, May 14, the Center for Reproductive Rights filed a motion in Court on behalf of the Red River Women’s Clinic in Fargo to block implementation of SB2305, which requires that abortionists have local hospital admitting privileges. The center also stated its intention to file suit against other laws passed this last Legislative Session.

Concerned Women for America strongly supports SB 2305, a law protecting women and assuring continuous medical care for women across the state. The fact that the Red River abortion facility, under the leadership of Ms. Kromenaker, opposes requiring physicians to have hospital privileges that would assure protection of the health and safety of women undergoing abortions at their facility shows their blatant disregard for women’s health care in North Dakota.

The entire nation has been shocked at the gruesome details revealed during the murder trial of abortionist Kermit Gosnell, where born children were murdered and women’s health was gravely risked, even to the death of women clients. One would think that the abortion industry, including the Red River abortion facility, would want to do whatever they could to protect the health of women. But CWA of North Dakota is not surprised by this lawsuit as the bottom line of this industry is the priority here, not women and their children. It is indeed sad that as North Dakota lawmakers and the Governor showed great courage and respect for the women in North Dakota, the Red River Clinic shows utter disregard for the same.

The next law that the Center for Reproductive Rights is seeking to file suit against is the Prenatal Non-Discrimination Act, a law that protects against gender selection abortions and abortions based on conditions like Down syndrome. Again, the utter disregard for the value of life expressed by the Red River Clinic should make one shudder, and especially the oxymoron of stating they are in this business to protect women, but evidently baby girls in the womb are exempted?

North Dakota State Director Janne Myrdal says, “If there ever was a War on Women, the Red River Abortion Clinic is the one waging it.”

Let’s pray that justice indeed will prevail and that the lives of women and their unborn children will continue to be protected under law in North Dakota. After all, that is the will of the vast majority of North Dakotans.

For the unborn.

Janne Myrdal
State Director
CWA of North Dakota