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Capitol Hill Brief — What’s at Stake


This week, we’ve been discussing the Trinity Lutheran v. Pauley religious liberty case that was argued at the Supreme Court by our friends at the Alliance Defending Freedom.

Here why this is so important:  there is no place in America for government to treat people of faith liked second-class citizens.

A victory at the Supreme Court will mean that the government cannot discriminate against a religious organization and exclude them from receiving a generally available public benefit because they’re religious.

A loss would give the government a stamp of approval to punish religious organizations by excluding them from government programs meant to serve the general public.

Let us pray for the justices as they render a decision, and as always, Concerned Women for America will remain your voice on these important issues.

Protect your First Amendment rights. Speak out, and tell President Trump how important religious liberty is to you and your family. Sign our powerful petition at If you’d like to hear these commentaries on the radio, find me on your local radio station.