Capitol Hill Brief — The Power of Unity


A couple of weeks ago, I had the privilege of dining with the president at the White House, alongside a small group of conservative leaders. It was a great opportunity to make your voice heard at the highest levels of government. You can rest assured I spoke to him about all our concerns and had the opportunity to hear his vision for the country, too.

Such an opportunity does not come by luck. It is a result of divine Providence, but also a great testament to you and to the impact we can have when conservative women work together to lift their voices in unison.

So, if you’ve not joined Concerned Women for America yet, today is the day, and we need you!

Join us on the front lines! Fight to defend critical issues, like the sanctity of life and religious freedom. Together, we’ll bring Biblical, constitutional values back to our nation. Visit to give today. If you’d like to hear these commentaries on the radio, find me on your local radio station.