Capitol Hill Brief — Stand Against Assisted Suicide


“Physician assisted suicide is not about bringing family together to make end-of-life decisions; it’s intended to exclude family members from the actual decision-making process.”  That is a quote from Victoria Reggie Kennedy, the widow of Democratic Sen. Edward Kennedy.

Sen. Kennedy spent a great deal of his career focusing on health care policy.  His wife Victoria spoke out powerfully against patient suicide after his death.  She remarked that she did not wish to preach or judge others in their decisions but wanted all to know the facts.

Assisted suicide devalues life, diminishes care, and disincentives research.  We must stand against it in every state.

Assisted suicide is becoming more acceptable in our nation. Join CWA in standing for life. Tell your congressman to oppose assisted suicide. Visit today. If you’d like to hear these commentaries on the radio, find me on your local radio station.