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The scars of abortion were clearly felt at our recent North Dakota 100 No More Rally where we heard the testimony of one post-abortive woman named Ruth:

[Audio Clip] Ruth Ruch:  “I desperately wanted to undo what I had done. But I couldn’t. I couldn’t get my child back, no matter how many tears I cried or how much sorrow I felt. I also know now that my baby experienced pain during the abortion. As mothers, we do all we can to spare our children pain. And for my young baby, my unborn baby girl, I caused her pain and an untimely death. It remains a hard truth to live with.”

Join the fight to defend the unborn, and give them the right to live. Every life matters! We want to see laws passed that uphold these values. Visit to get involved in the fight today. If you’d like to hear these commentaries on the radio, find me on your local radio station.