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Capitol Hill Brief — Planned Parenthood Lies

By February 2, 2017Blog, Capitol Hill Brief
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Planned Parenthood lies.  I hope every American out there, whatever their stand on abortion, can see that.  They lie regularly and purposefully.

How many more times must they be caught lying so that we can put an end to their farce?  The stench from their involvement in the selling of baby body parts scandal is still lingering and they’ve been caught in another lie.

This time Live Action decided to test their claim of providing prenatal care.  Here’s a sample:

[Audio clip] Three Planned Parenthood representatives: Unfortunately, no. We wouldn’t provide any type of prenatal services here at Planned Parenthood. … We’re not a prenatal care provider. … No Planned Parenthood does prenatal care.

So no, they don’t offer prenatal care.  Planned Parenthood is about abortion.

It’s time to move taxpayer funding away from Planned Parenthood and support local Federally Qualified Health Centers. Tell Mitch McConnell that you’ll fight by his side to defend the unborn. Visit to sign this urgent statement today. If you’d like to hear these commentaries on the radio, find me on your local radio station.