Capitol Hill Brief — Persist in the Fight against Sexual Exploitation


4.5 million. That’s the estimated number of people trapped in the world of the sex trade. These poor souls, created in the image of God, are why we must persist in the fight against all forms of sexual exploitation.

Yet, the horrors facing these women, children and even some men are often overshadowed by other world events. It’s time to shine a light on modern day slavery.

As a group who focuses on prayer, education, and policy to change the culture, we use these three tools to impact the futures of those trapped in sex trafficking.

It’s both rewarding and exciting. Join our Persistent Summer campaign and discover how, with the Lord’s help, we tackle the greatest issues facing our nation.

Now is not the time to resist; it is the time to persist.  This summer, find out how you can support a positive agenda that protects our Biblical values. Visit today. If you’d like to hear these commentaries on the radio, find me on your local radio station.