Capitol Hill Brief — ObamaCare Gone

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“If you like your plan, you can keep your plan,” they told us.

But ObamaCare took health care out of the hands of patients and doctors and put it into the hands of Washington bureaucrats.

Millions of Americans suddenly found themselves with cancelled plans and ever-increasing premiums.

Not to mention the fact that it promoted abortion in many ways.

The good news is that Congress is close to passing a new law that will repeal big parts of ObamaCare and ensure life is protected.

Gone will be the federal abortion mandate, and millions of dollars that used to go to Planned Parenthood will now be diverted to Federally Qualified Healthcare Centers that do not perform abortions but do care for women.

That is great news!

Stand for Life! Repeal ObamaCare and replace it with a new health care bill that defunds Planned Parenthood. Visit to find out how to contact your senator and receive helpful talking points. If you’d like to hear these commentaries on the radio, find me on your local radio station.