Capitol Hill Brief — Making a Difference

By December 20, 2016Blog, Capitol Hill Brief


How does Concerned Women for America affect the nation’s policy?  Here’s a small example. Congress was poised through a provision in the National Defense Authorization Act to force women to register for the draft. The provision had the support of some prominent Republican figures, like Sen. John McCain.

It all might have gone unnoticed, but we immediately communicated with you, alerting you of the significant consequences of such a drastic change in longstanding military policy.

You made phone calls, wrote letters and emails, and I took your voice personally to the capitol where I met with numerous members, including Sen. McCain.

The outcome?  The provision has been dropped.  That’s you.  That’s Concerned Women for America.

2017 is approaching fast, and here at CWA, we’re fighting for your family, faith, and freedoms. Download the 2017 Prayer Points, and join us in praying for our nation. Just visit today. If you’d like to hear these commentaries on the radio, find me on your local radio station.