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Capitol Hill Brief — Join Us Today

By December 27, 2016Blog, Capitol Hill Brief
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Concerned Women for America focuses on seven core issues:  The sanctity of life, defense of the family, education, religious liberty, national sovereignty, sexual exploitation, and support for Israel.

We are an organization that stands up for women and children.  We want to ensure America stays a place where freedom, economic responsibility, and respect for all is valued.

These principles have their roots in Scripture, but they are to the benefit of all. If you believe in these principles, we’d love for you to join Concerned Women for America.  2017 is sure to present to us some difficult challenges, but with your support we will shed God’s light on every situation.

2017 is approaching fast, and here at CWA, we’re fighting for your family, faith, and freedoms. Download the 2017 Prayer Points, and join us in praying for our nation. Just visit to download our Prayer Points, and join us in targeted prayer for our country.  If you’d like to hear these commentaries on the radio, find me on your local radio station.