Capitol Hill Brief — Gut-Check Moment


This is a gut-check moment for American Evangelicals.  Our brothers and sisters in Egypt are being exterminated, and we cannot continue to be silent.

For too long, we’ve been content to swill our lattes on Sunday morning while passively “experiencing” worship.  Meanwhile, our Coptic Christian brothers and sisters risk being blown to bits to join their hearts in worship and respond to pure evil by joining hands to recite the Nicene Creed. I am personally convicted and determined to do my part to help us grasp the situation.

As we continue in constant prayer, let us contact the White House and ask President Trump to do everything he can to offer assistance to our brothers and sisters in Christ.

As Christians, we have a responsibility to protect our persecuted brothers and sisters and defend religious liberty worldwide. Visit to sign our petition to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson today! If you’d like to hear these commentaries on the radio, find me on your local radio station.