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Capitol Hill Brief — Former Law Clerks for Gorsuch

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Thirty-nine former 10th Circuit law clerks for nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch wrote a letter to congressional leaders boosting the judge’s Supreme Court nomination.

The letter lauded Gorsuch’s qualifications as “impeccable.”

“Each of us has had the privilege of serving as a law clerk to Judge Neil … Gorsuch… Our political views span the spectrum… But we are united in our view that Judge Gorsuch is an extraordinary judge. The undersigned are every single one of Judge Gorsuch’s former clerks not currently clerking for a justice. All of us strongly support his confirmation as the next associate justice of the Supreme Court.”

Our next Supreme Court justice will shape America’s future for generations to come. Judge Neil Gorsuch will uphold conservative, constitutional values. Tell the Senate to confirm him by signing our petition at today. If you’d like to hear these commentaries on the radio, find me on your local radio station.