Capitol Hill Brief — Deeper on Life


In Feisty & Feminine: A Rallying Cry for Conservative Women, we dive into tough issues and go beyond the slogans you will hear about on your typical news program.

On the issue of life, we deal with unwanted pregnancies, fetal development, abortion procedures and risks, Roe v. Wade, taxpayer funding of abortion, legislative battles and practical things we can do as conservative women to protect the unborn and care for women in need.

I truly believe we are standing on the precipice of change in this area.  The time you take to learn and engage will reap incredible fruit in the years to come.  Our time is now!

I hope you pick up the book today and join the fight.

Penny Nance’s latest book, Feisty & Feminine, empowers Christian women to engage the culture. From July 17-21, it’s our gift to you for your donation. Visit for your copy today.  If you’d like to hear these commentaries on the radio, find me on your local radio station.