Capitol Hill Brief — Anti-Christian Trend


We’ve talked before about this bizarre, unconstitutional new trend with liberals in Washington imposing a “de facto” religious test for public service.

Last time, it was Bernie Sanders attacking a Christian nominee for believing Jesus is the only way to God. Somehow that was Islamophobic.

Now, liberal senators in the Judiciary Committee are doing the same with 7th Circuit Court of Appeals nominee Amy Barrett.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein from California was concerned that Christian “dogma” lived loudly within her.

This is preposterous! Article 6, section 3 of the Constitution is clear. It says that “no religious test shall ever be” applied as a condition for public service in the United States.

This trend needs to end. And it must end now!

Devout Catholics shouldn’t be judges, because of their strong faith — at least, that’s what Sen. Dianne Feinstein thinks. Fight for religious freedom with your voice of influence: Concerned Women for America. Visit to give today. If you’d like to hear these commentaries on the radio, find me on your local radio station.