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Capitol Hill Brief — And Now the Supreme Court

By February 15, 2017Blog, Capitol Hill Brief
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Hot off the battle to confirm Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Concerned Women for America is gearing up for what promises to be an even bigger fight: the appointment of Judge Neil Gorsuch as the next Justice of the Supreme Court.

If you’re wondering what it is about Judge Gorsuch that could warrant such a fight, the answer is “nothing at all.”

Judge Gorsuch’s record is exceptional.  He promises to stick by the Constitution and laws as written. But facts do not matter, for the liberal smear campaign has started and taken hold by left.  They know a conservative judge, like Gorsuch, will not legislate from the bench to promote their policies, and that is enough for them.

Our next Supreme Court justice will shape America’s future for generations to come. Judge Neil Gorsuch will uphold conservative, constitutional values. Tell the Senate to confirm him by signing our petition at today. If you’d like to hear these commentaries on the radio, find me on your local radio station.