Concerned Women for America of Virginia
Capitol Cookie Drop
Concerned Women for America of Virginia’s
Encourage-A-Legislator Program
is making an amazing impact in our Commonwealth.
The Encourage-A-Legislator program pairs a prayer partner
with state legislators to pray for them daily
and send weekly postcards with
encouraging Scripture verses or quotes.
Since our legislators put in 12-18 hours days during the session,
we want to encourage them in a tangible way.
We will be going to Richmond on February 22, 2010,
to drop cookies at each legislator’s office.
If you are interested in helping us distribute our gifts, contact:
Kay Hawkins
Encourage-A-Legislator Coordinator
We will be car pooling from the Lynchburg area
leaving around 6:30 a.m.
Contact us today, so we can include you in this fun,
non-political visit to our Capitol.
Concerned Women for America of Virginia
P.O. Box 1465
Bedford, VA 24523
Click here for flyer.