Calling All Concerned About the Sexual Content of Proposed “Health” Education. Your Response is Needed by This Friday!

By January 9, 2019California

We have a battle on our hands and just a few short days to do something about it. The California Department of Education is in the midst of revising the 2019 Health Education Curriculum Framework for California Public Schools, Transitional Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (Health Education Framework).

Urgent: The Instructional Quality Commission will consider our comments about the framework IF we voice them by the end of this Friday, January 11.

We reviewed the framework, and we are very concerned to say the least! The framework indoctrinates our public-school children on gender ideology and gratuitous, controversial sexual practices information, and more, in direct opposition to the Bible’s principles. It is our civic and Christian duty to speak up.

Join with thousands of concerned citizens in a united voice against this anti-Biblical curriculum.

How to submit comments:

  1. Fill out the template document with your comments (found here under the “Revised Draft Health Education Framework” heading labeled “Public Input Template.”) Note: Though they ask for what school your child attends, know that they are taking comments from all California citizens. At the website link above they state, “The public review and comment period is an opportunity for any interested individuals or organizations to provide comments …” Therefore, if you do not have children in public school, simply state your name.
  2. Save the document.
  3. Email it to

How to review document:

  • Go here and view it under the “Revised Draft Health Education Framework” heading.
  • Or, because it is 1,000 pages long, which makes it easy to overlook propaganda, I suggest you view these helpful sample comments. They were put together by a wonderful group of informed parents. You can simply copy and paste what you prefer. Note: Do not get overwhelmed by all the suggested comments. Simply pick and chose the ones you have time to copy and paste into your template. It is better that you do some than none.

Please join me in prayer, “Lord, it’s the very beginning of 2019 and the issues are heavy; the war on family, faith and life is ever-present. Please bless our efforts to speak up and take action on this important issue of education to protect the hearts and minds of our children.  We remain vigilant, suited up with the whole armor of Christ and deep in prayer for our children and the moral direction of our state. We love You Lord! In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Again, the comment deadline is the end of this Friday, January 11.

Please pass this e-alert onto others and encourage them to pray and take action on behalf of California children.

Thank you in advance for your efforts in protecting the children of California.

Marlo Tucker
State Director
CWA of California