Call your North Carolina Senators THIS MORNING to Support HB 695 For Pro-life and Constitutional Rights!

HB 695, the bill we have been fighting and praying for to pass through the Senate, requires IMMEDIATE Praise, Prayer, and Action!

May North Carolinians celebrate Independence Day with Praise to God!

On Tuesday, July 2, the North Carolina Senate gave tentative approval to HB 695 Faith, Family & Freedom Protection Act of 2013!

Since last month’s Legislative Briefing in Raleigh hosted by Concerned Women for America of North Carolina, House Bill 695, originally regarding the application of foreign law in state courts that passed the North Carolina House, has been amended in the Senate Judiciary Committee to include a host of pro-life and pro-family provisions. Click here to read the bill and stay updated on its status.


Support HB 695, Pro-life and Constitutional Rights in North Carolina!

Today, Wednesday, July 3, sometime between 9: 00 a.m. and 12 noon (estimated), HB 695 will be heard. The Senate will take up HB 695 again for passage on its Third Reading which will contain Foreign Laws/Protecting Constitutional Rights, and virtually all of our pro-life provisions currently in the Senate. If it passes the Senate as expected, it will then move back to the House for concurrence.

Action Now: Please, contact your senator and representative before 12 noon TODAY to urge a “yes” vote on HB 695. Click here to find your Senator and his/her contact information. If your Senator ends up voting in support of HB 695, then remember to thank him/her for standing courageously. Contact and implore your representative and surrounding representatives in your area to support HB 695 Faith, Family and Freedom Protection Act!

We need ALL CONCERNED WOMEN AND MEN FOR AMERICA OF NORTH CAROLINA who are concerned about protecting pro-life and constitutional rights to pray and act on this now!


Pray that HB 695 Faith, Family and Freedom Protection Act will pass the North Carolina Senate and the House for concurrence. Please pray without ceasing! Pro-abortion activists are expected to be out in force.

Your prayers and actions will make a difference for the principles of freedom ensuring that pro-life legislation and American Laws for American Courts is maintained in the courts of North Carolina, the shining light on the hill. Get involved with CWA of North Carolina. Contact: See our website:

It time allows please take a moment to pass this information on to others.

For God, Family and Country!

Sheri Miller
State Director
CWA of North Carolina

Let me share with you in the briefest of terms what the bill does:

It prohibits the use of foreign law, such as Sharia law, from being applied in family court actions in North Carolina, if such action violates a person’s fundamental constitutional rights.

It expands conscience rights for people in the medical field who have moral or religious objections to participating in any procedure that may lead to an abortion.

It prohibits coverage for abortion in health plans offered through health care exchanges under “Obamacare,” albeit the usual provisions for rape and incest or the life of the mother.

It prohibits city and county governments from providing abortion coverage beyond what is provided by the State Health Plan for Teachers and State Employees.

It bars sex-selective abortions abortions performed simply because of the unborn child’s gender.

It requires that any time a surgical or chemical abortion is performed the doctor must be physically present for the full procedure.

To prevent Gosnell type violations in abortion clinics, the bill mandates that the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services produce regulations that ensure such clinics are similar to surgical ambulatory centers.