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Be a voice for life in the womb!

By March 2, 2019North Dakota

On Monday, March 4, two pro-life bills will be heard in the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Join CWA leaders in Bismarck on Monday, March 4, in support of the two bills. If you are able, come to the Senate Judiciary Committee meeting at 2:30 p.m. in the Fort Lincoln Conference room, Bismarck Capitol.

Your presence matters!  North Dakota Women’s Network members will be there in full force to oppose these pro-life bills.  Let’s fill the room with praying pro-life women and men!

Background on the two life bills:

  • We praise the Lord that HB 1336 and HB 1546 were passed by North Dakota House members by overwhelming numbers! 
  •  On January 21, CWA of North Dakota submitted testimony in support on HB 1336, the Abortion Pill Reversal bill and on January 28, this bill was passed by a vote of 73 yeas and 16 nays on the House Floor!
  •  On January 21, CWA of North Dakota also submitted testimony in support of the HB 1546, the Prohibition of Dismemberment Abortion bill, and on January 31, it was passed by a vote of 78 yeas and 13 nays! 

Our work is not done!
Please Act: Contact the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and ask them for a “Do Pass” vote on HB 1336, the Abortion Pill Reversal bill and on HB 1546, Prohibition of Dismemberment Abortion bill. Be sure to let them know you are a member of Concerned Women for America, North Dakota.

Sen. Diane Larson (Chair) at and/or Cell Phone: 701-400-7218
Sen. Mike Dwyer (Vice Chair) at and/or Cell Phone: 701-400-6075
Sen. JoNell Bakke at and/or Cell Phone: 218-779-3961
Sen. Larry Luick at and/or Home Phone: 701-474-5959
Sen. Janne Myrdal and/or Cell Phone: 701-331-0946
Sen. Arnie Osland and or Cell Phone:701-436-6155

You can send a group message by highlighting the email addresses, and then copying and pasting the addresses into the send window of your email message.;;;;;

Suggested email message:
Dear Senator ________,
Please vote “Do Pass” on HB 1336, The Abortion Pill Reversal bill and HB 1546, Prohibition of Dismemberment Abortion bill.  I stand in support of life in the womb and ask you to do so, too.


Your name, town, ND

Spread the word Forward this e-alert on to friends and family and encourage them to pray and act on this important vote!

Please join us in prayer! Pray that both bills receive a “Do Pass” recommendation from the Senate Judiciary Committee, are passed on the Senate floor, and then signed into law by Gov. Burgum.

We call upon our God to confuse the enemy and defeat any action that anti-abortion leaders are planning in the Senate.   We ask for wisdom and guidance for CWA leaders as we interact with many at the capitol on this important life issue.   Thank you for your prayers.

“Oh, send out Your light and Your truth!
Let them lead me;
Let them bring me to Your holy hill
And to Your tabernacle.”  Psalm 43:3

“Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren.  Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. Of His own will He brought us forth by the word of truth, that we might be a kind of first fruits of His creatures.”  James 1:18

Linda Thorson
State Director
CWA of North Dakota
Facebook: Concerned Women for America of North Dakota