California CWA of California November Legislative Recap First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for…Marlo TuckerNovember 11, 2019
California Action Alert: It’s Time to Ask for Vetoes CWA of California September Legislative Update The 2019 state legislative session is now over, and…Marlo TuckerSeptember 20, 2019
California Praying for California’s Students California’s children are now back in school. Concerned Women for America (CWA) of California is…Marlo TuckerSeptember 18, 2019
California CWA of California August Legislative Update FAITH Can Move MOUNTAINS Matthew 17:20 We pray you are having a wonderful summer. Perhaps…Marlo TuckerAugust 4, 2019
California CWA Prayer/Action Chapter Opportunities Are you ready to take your knowledge and put it into action? If so, a…Marlo TuckerJuly 24, 2019
California Thank You from CWA of California! Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice! Philippians 4:4 To all who…Marlo TuckerJune 29, 2019
California California Bill is a Threat to Women “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created…Marlo TuckerJune 18, 2019
California June 14 – CWA of California Halfway Point Legislative Update The 2019 California legislative session has reached its halfway point. The deadline for bills to…Marlo TuckerJune 14, 2019
California Another Great Coffee Talk Event Wonderful Coffee Talk & Fellowship! We had a wonderful Coffee Talk event in Wildomar last…Marlo TuckerMay 21, 2019
California California Legislative Update “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what the Lord requires of…Marlo TuckerMay 13, 2019
California Easter Blessings and Legislative Update "They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they entered, they did…Marlo TuckerApril 17, 2019
California ‘Too much, too soon.’ Families rally at Capitol against sex education and LGBT curriculum The Sacramento Bee reports, "More than 200 protesters gathered at the Capitol on Thursday, March…Marlo TuckerMarch 29, 2019
California CWA of California Issue Updates Together We Can Make an Even Greater Impact PRAYER/ACTION CHAPTERS Prayer/Action Chapters are booming statewide!…Marlo TuckerMarch 25, 2019
California Join us at the rally in Sacramento on March 28 "... always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a…Marlo TuckerMarch 25, 2019
California CWA of California Recommends – SeXXX Ed Sit Out – February 19 Are you concerned about the state mandated sex education programs in California’s public schools? Are…Marlo TuckerFebruary 18, 2019
California Prayer Volunteers Needed! Join the Encourage-A-Legislator Program! Dear Friend, We are excited to continue our Encourage-A-Legislator (EAL) program! Our EAL program is…Marlo TuckerFebruary 6, 2019
California Calling All Concerned About the Sexual Content of Proposed “Health” Education. Your Response is Needed by This Friday! We have a battle on our hands and just a few short days to do…Marlo TuckerJanuary 9, 2019
California More Christmas Greetings From the State Steering Committee! (Message 3 of 3) From Angel Ashbrook, Communications Coordinator What a great year this has been for CWA of…Marlo TuckerDecember 22, 2018
California Merry Christmas From CWA of California Steering Committee! (Message 2 of 3) Ruth Smith, Southern California Area Director What an honor and privilege it is to work…Marlo TuckerDecember 21, 2018
California Merry Christmas from CWA of California! And Their Year in Review. (Message 1 of 3) Dear CWA of California Friends, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year to you and yours!…Marlo TuckerDecember 20, 2018