August 2 Prayer/Action Alert: For such a time as this…

By August 2, 2019Washington

I pray this letter finds you hopeful, praising, and trusting God and His holy word. As you know, the battle between Biblical and secular worldviews is intensifying. Liberalism, progressivism, false religions, and those who are coming against Christians and their beliefs seem intent on destroying the Judeo-Christian traditions upon which our nation was built, whether in the spiritual, moral, or public policy realm. Nevertheless, Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Washington continues to stand in the gap in the cultural war to promote and protect Biblical values among all citizens. Thank you for your participation. Together we will continue to

Please pray that concerned Christian citizens will begin to engage in the spiritual and cultural battles happening all around us.

We have several opportunities to engage as volunteers with CWA of Washington:

  • Do you desire to see our country radically affected through the energized efforts of prayer warriors? Consider starting a Prayer/Action Chapter in your community or forming a social media and email team to communicate CWA of Washington alerts by volunteering as a Home Team Captain.
  • Do you enjoy the legislative process and have a desire to work on family-related and pro-life issues here in Washington? Consider becoming a Legislative Liaison to coordinate our response to legislation through our state alerts, thus encouraging members to write, e-mail, call, and show up to testify on bills related to our seven core issues.

Please contact me by e-mail or phone (425-869-1923) if you have an interest in more information on joining our CWA  of Washington team.

Save the Date
CWA of Washington is hosting an event in Everett on Saturday, October 19, 2019. Our guest speakers and drama presentation will educate you on the current war on Christianity and the tactics employed by those who wish to silence Biblical truth. The event will equip and encourage you to stand in the gap for Judeo-Christian values “for such a time as this.” Please set aside October 19 and plan to join us for lunch and an afternoon of education, inspiration, and fellowship with likeminded people! Watch for more information to come.

Take Action
Your Help is Needed: Conscience Care Rule — Action Center

In July, we had a huge victory surrounding the Title X program and a finalized rule we asked for your help generating comments on last summer. Yet again, we have the opportunity to back up the good work that President Trump is doing through the official rulemaking process.

We need your help commenting on this proposed pro-life rule so that it will move forward. Click here for more information on the Conscience Care Rule. The deadline to post comments is Tuesday, August 13, 2019.

Partner with Us
Concerned Women for America of Washington strives to keep you informed about state issues related to your family. Please support us with a gift either to our mailing address below or give online. If you decide to mail a check please write it out to “Concerned Women for America” and put “CWA of WA” on the memo line. Thank you for your prayers and support for such a time as this. You are appreciated.

In His Service,
Maureen Richardson
State Director
CWA of Washington