Attend the next education study committee on Common Core

By September 18, 2014Georgia

Next study committee hearing: Wednesday, September 24 beginning at 10:00 a.m. 
Location: Milledgeville, in the Magnolia Ballroom of the Student Activities Center located at 300 W. Hancock Street in downtown Milledgeville (Corner of Hancock and Liberty Streets).

We have assembled a list of top experts to set the record straight concerning the Common Core in Georgia (* indicates Skyping). We hope you will be able to attend and speak during the open comment period.

Tanya Ditty, State Director, Concerned Women for America of Georgia
Topic: Common Core: State and National Update

Jane Robbins, Esq., American Principles Project
Topic: Origins and Nature of Common Core: Correcting the Record

*Joy Pullmann, Education Research Fellow, Heartland Institute
Topic: How Common Core Development and Adoption Violates Constitutional Principles

*Dr. Sandra Stotsky, Professor Emerita, Department of Education Reform, University of Arkansas
Topic: My Experience on the Common Core Validation Committee; Problems With the English Language Arts Standards

*Dr. James Milgram, Emeritus Professor, Department of Mathematics, Stanford University
Topic: My Experience on the Common Core Validation Committee; Problems With the Math Standards

*Richard Innes, Education Analyst, Bluegrass Institute
Topic: Inevitable Problems and Exorbitant Costs of the Georgia Milestones Test – The Kentucky Experience; How Common Core Violates the Rules of Good Standards

Steve Rummelsberg – Teacher, English Language Arts
Topic: My Experience With Common Core Training; How Common Core Conflicts With True Education

We urge you attend the study committee meeting.

In March of this year, the Georgia House of Representatives passed H.R. 550. The resolution creates a House Study Committee on the Role of Federal Government in Education.  Speaker David Ralston recently sent out this press release on the formation of the committee.