Ask Speaker Phelan to Pass “Save Girls’ Sports”

By September 15, 2021Texas

For the last three sessions of the Texas legislature, Concerned Women for America of Texas has been on the front lines fighting for the passage of a bill that prohibits biological males from competing in girls’ sports.  Physical strength, stamina, size, and other abilities inherent in the male composition make it completely unfair for girls in sports to be required to overcome these advantages in order to play on girls’ teams. Girls are being denied placement on teams, championships, endorsements, and acknowledgments, which help them achieve scholarships and other benefits available to males on male sports teams. These advantages are going to biological males who are taking these positions, claiming to be “transgendered.”

  • In the Regular Session, SB, 29 by Sen. Charles Perry (R-District 8) was killed by the House Public Education Committee. 
  • In the First Special Session, SB 32 by Sen. Perry was not heard by the House Public Education Committee.  
  • In the Second special Session, SB 2 by Sen. Perry was left pending in the House Public Education Committee.  

If girls’ sports are to be protected in Texas, this bill must pass in this Third Special Session that begins Monday, September 20, 2021!

Take Action:

  • Contact the office of Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan and tell him you want to see Texas girls’ sports protected by passing HB 10 sponsored by State Rep. Valoree Swanson (R-Dist. 150) and that you want the bill assigned to a committee other than the House Public Education Committee.
    (512) 463-1000 | Contact Form
  • Urge your friends to make this call.
  • Urge young women athletes to make this call and be available to testify when it comes before the committee.

Please Pray:

  • Pray that our young women will not be denied benefits from their God-given talents and abilities.
  • Pray that the forces of evil will be cut off.
  • Pray that citizens will wake up to their role in righteousness in government.

“We urge you, brethren, admonish the unruly, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with everyone.  See that no one repays another with the evil for evil, but always seek after that which is good for one another and for all people.” I Thessalonians 5:14-15

Ann Hettinger
State Director