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Ask Gov. Noem to Veto Pot Bill

By March 14, 2023South Dakota

Just when we thought the legislative session was over, we found it necessary to look at the bills still awaiting the Governor’s signature and urge her to veto one bill in particular.

SB1 is sponsored by Sen. Erin Tobin (R-District 21) and Rep. Ernie Otten (R-District 6). SB1 passed in the House and the Senate. It now awaits the Governor’s signature, which could occur any day. So, your immediate action is required.

We want Gov. Noem to veto SB1!

  • SB1 would expand the conditions where people could obtain a Medical marijuana card by adding seven conditions without any significant scientific evidence that marijuana is an effective treatment for these conditions. In fact, evidence has shown that marijuana may be harmful. 
  • Under SB1, decision-making regarding adding new conditions is transferred from the Department of Health (DOH) to the legislature. It undermines the medical marijuana bill South Dakotans passed and eliminates the current process that requires medical evidence and oversite by the DOH. Before a condition is approved, proof should be required that treatment with marijuana is safe and effective in treating patients.
  • SB1 substitutes political interests, some of whom may have ties to the marijuana industry, for scientific evaluation. Our legislatures should not be making these decisions.
  • Marijuana is NOT a harmless drug. It has a relatively high addiction potential and can have significant side effects, so the addition of new conditions should be done with caution.
  • Eighty-eight percent of South Dakota counties rejected recreational marijuana last fall. Poorly regulated medical marijuana is equivalent to recreational marijuana. The industry has found a way to turn medical marijuana into de-facto recreational marijuana. 

Call Gov. Kriste Noem at 605 773-3212. Ask her to veto SB1. Leave your name and your town.

Linda Schauer
State Director
CWA of South Dakota