Are You An Encourager?

By November 20, 2014California

Consider being part of our Encourage-A-Legislator Project.

We are looking for women and men who are willing to “encourage” a state legislator(s) by praying for them on a regular basis and sending them a postcard once every month during the 2015 State Legislative Session.

“Marcia  Wolfe is my prayer warrior with CWA.  She is consistent with sending kind encouraging note cards (they arrive every week). She sends encouraging phrases, scripture and beautiful quotes from history. Marcia’s cards always seem to arrive on days that are the worst.  Her encouragement over the past few years has been so gratefully appreciated and her prayers for me daily are so wonderful. I am so thankful to all mighty God that He gave me Marcia.” – Asm. Shannon Grove (R-District 3)

Now more then ever, whether they are conservative or liberal, our legislators need our prayers and encouragement.

For more information on this powerful project read our Encourage-A-Legislator brochure.