April 17 Prayer/Action Alert: Be Refreshed

By April 17, 2019Washington

“The generous prosper and are satisfied.  Those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.”  Proverbs 11:2

This is such a wonderful season to celebrate the reason for our faith and our hope!  We at Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Washington wish you an Easter season full of blessings. Witness to others of the faithfulness of our loving God who refreshes us so that we can refresh others. Thank you for praying for our nation, for our state, and for our families.

Legislative Update
We are in the final two weeks of the 2019 Washington State legislative session. All of the bills that CWA of Washington took a stand on have gone through the legislative process.  A hearty thanks to all of you who participated along the way through your prayers and actions.

Click on the bill number for additional information. 

Legislative Update
HB 1016, relating to hospital notification of the availability of sexual assault evidence kit collection. Because of your support, this very good bill passed in the House 96:0 and in the Senate 46:0 with 3 excused. 

To our disappointment, a few bad bills passed:

SB 5082, promotes and expands social-emotional learning.

SB 5356, establishes the Washington state LGBTQ commission.

SB 5395, mandates that all public-school districts teach state-defined comprehensive sexual education.  Please continue to pray that this bill will not re-emerge.  Also, if you are concerned about the sexual education offered in your district, you may opt out your child.

CWA of Washington encourages parents to be fully informed about the state’s “comprehensive sexual health education” curriculum, and if the curriculum is considered unacceptable, then we recommend considering viable alternatives. One such alternative for parents who prefer a different approach is Teen-Aid. Teen-Aid has developed a curriculum that is worth considering. Their program promotes Biblical values that lead to a healthy lifestyle, including teaching abstinence and the skills to live out a Christian lifestyle amid a world attacking those values.  

At the national level in Washington, D.C., CWA is fighting hard against the so-called “Equality Act.”  Click here to educate yourself on the Equality Act and then contact our U.S. Senators and Congressmen and urge them to vote against this dangerous bill that will eradicate the gains women have fought so hard for over the last several generations.

Remember to be generous in your prayers and your witness for Christ Jesus, despite the opposition we see all around us.  God honors those who honor Him.  May this Resurrection Day refresh us as we remember the sacrifice made for all mankind so that we might be saved from the ways of the world and enjoy eternity with Him.

In His Service,

Maureen Richardson
State Director
CWA of Washington