Action Alert! Gambling: A Bad Bet for Georgia Families

By November 9, 2015Georgia

Action Alert!

The expansion of state-sponsored predatory gambling could be heading to Georgia if some state lawmakers have their way. In the last week of the 2015 legislative session, Rep. Ron Stephens (R-Savannah) introduced legislation that would open the door for up to six casino resorts in Georgia.  For this to happen, the state legislature must first pass the proposed constitutional amendment, which requires a 2/3 vote in both the House and Senate. If passed, the casino amendment will be put before the voters on the November 2016 statewide ballot.  If passed by the voters, state lawmakers must then pass the enabling legislation, which will specify how casinos will be operated and regulated.

A study committee is holding hearings to vet the draft legislation.  The latest hearing was held in Savannah on November 2, 2015.  I represented CWA of Georgia at the hearing and testified in opposition to the proposed gambling constitutional amendment.  Concerned Women for America opposes all forms of gambling, and you can be sure that your voice will be continued to be represented on this issue.

Action Item: The 2016 legislative session starts in just over two months, and we need calls made to legislators TODAY to stop the legislation. Will you please call your state senator and representative TODAY and urge them to vote against any gambling legislation.  If your legislators tell you they want the people of Georgia to decide on gambling, respectfully tell them no thank you.  Don’t let them punt their legislative responsibility on such an important issue! This is a state issue, so please be sure you contact your state legislators. Click here to locate your state legislators.

Pray specifically for your legislators, that they will truly understand the dangers gambling will bring to Georgia families. Pray they will have the moral courage to oppose the efforts by representatives of the lucrative gambling industry who unashamedly seek to exert their influence in the political process.

CWA talking points on the expansion of gambling in Georgia

Video resources


Anti-gambling organizations