Action Needed! Girls’ Sports Bills Moving!

By March 24, 2023North Dakota

The protect women’s sports bills (HB 1249 and HB 1489) passed the House last month, and both bills will be heard by the Senate Judiciary Committee this Monday, Monday, March 27. You can read more about both bills here.

Your prayer and action are making a difference! Women should not be forced to compete against men playing on women’s sports teams.

Please Take Action! 
Email the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and ask them to vote a “Do Pass” on HB 1249 and HB 1489. The committee members are listed below my signature. If you are a member of Concerned Women for America of North Dakota, please let them know.   

Send your own message or use the suggested message here:

Subject Line of email:  Vote “Do Pass” on HB 1249 and HB 1489

Dear Senator _________,
Please vote to protect women’s sports at our high schools and institutions of higher education.    Individual male-born athletes should not be eligible to participate on an athletic team that is exclusively for females.

Your name and town

Forward this email to family and friends! Every email message and every phone call are counted! 
Please Pray: 

  • Pray that God’s design for both sexes will be upheld by North Dakota law. Genesis 1:27 says, “God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.”
  • Pray that our women will again be provided the protection God initiated when He created the physical nature of women to be different from biological men.
  • Pray that our women will again be able to compete fairly with the body design God gave them to bring honor and glory to Him.

Thank you! 
Linda Thorson
State Director
CWA of North Dakota
For Concerned Women for America LAC

Members of the North Dakota Senate Judiciary Committee