Action Needed: Georgia needs to pass Religious Freedom Preservation Act

By February 28, 2014Georgia

Time sensitive alert.

Supporting religious freedom should be paramount because it’s a fundamental right every American enjoys and must not be infringed. SB 377, the Preservation of Religious Freedom Act, introduced by Sen. Josh McKoon (R-Columbus) is a bill to guarantee the free exercise of religion in Georgia without interference from the government.  One of our core issues is religious freedom for all; the right to practice or observe their religious beliefs without suffering economic loss and relinquishment of civil rights in courts, employment, etc.

SB 377 passed out of the Senate Judiciary Committee but is being held up by the Senate Rules Committee.  This committee controls what bills go to the full Senate for a vote. Monday, March 3, is Crossover Day, the last day for bills to cross over to the other chamber. SB 377 must get the Senate floor on Monday, or it is dead legislation.

Action Item
Please contact the following by 9:00 a.m. Monday morning:

Lt. Governor Casey Cagle – urge him to please let SB 377 out of the Rules Committee and on to the Senate floor for a vote.
Phone: (404) 656-5030

Rules Chairman Sen. Jeff Mullis – urge him to please release SB 377 out of the Rules Committee and on to the Senate floor for a vote.
Phone: (404) 656-0057

Pray that the Lt. Governor and Sen. Mullis will understand that religious freedom must be protected here in Georgia. Pray their hearts will be moved to allow SB 377 to be voted on the floor of the Senate.