Act now! With Your Help We Can Rid Oklahoma of Common Core

By June 4, 2014Oklahoma

Last Friday, May 23, the Oklahoma legislature overwhelmingly approved HB 3399, a bill that would pull Oklahoma out of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). That bill passed the House 71-18 and the Senate 31-10 and now is considered by many to be “the most weighty matter still on [Fallin’s] desk.”

Your governor needs to hear from you TODAY!

It is up to Gov. Fallin to sign this bill into law by June 7!

With this bill passing by such significant margins, the demands of local leaders, grassroots activists, and concerned teachers and parents throughout Oklahoma to “Kill Common Core” are being echoed by their state government! If Gov. Fallin signs this into law, Oklahoma students will benefit immediately while other states will see that repealing Common Core is achievable and will be inspired to follow suit.

Since Gov. Fallin is the chair of the National Governors Association, which is a key supporter of Common Core, her repudiation would seriously damage Common Core’s credibility.

This is a matter of national importance; Gov. Fallin needs to hear from YOU, her constituents, TODAY!

Time is of the essence. Please call Gov. Fallin at 405-521-2342 and urge her to sign HB 3399 into law TODAY.

Thank you!