A Prayer for the Nation on the Day of the Assassination Attempt on President Trump

Oh Lord, we are a restless and conflicted people,
Have mercy on us and come to our aid.
Our spiritual moans are continually before You
As we see the wicked prevail and the just oppressed.

Justice has been perverted, mishandled, and
Manipulated in service of oppressors who lie at every turn.
Even more, terrors of death are before us,
Wished by those who were supposed to be our brethren.

Our hearts are aching; our minds exhausted;
We need Your intervention!
Our division grows with every breath we take;
We feel our country’s life giving out.

But nothing is impossible with You.
Therefore, we are not hopeless,
No! We have fallen, but we have fallen
To our knees in an act of supplication.

You can redeem our soul and bring us to safety.
We praise You for keeping President Trump safe today.
We pray You will bring the perpetrators to justice
And help our country to overcome this difficult time.

Your ear is near the humble, Lord,
Therefore, we humbly ask that You
Stand strong against our enemies,
Let their own pride be their downfall.

Move in a way that all may see that
Their indifference to evil makes them
Enemies of the Most High.
Let them deal with You and Your holy wrath.

We pray against those who have devoted their lives
To foment division and resentment in millions of Americans.
Frustrate their plans, Abba Father,
And help us to grow closer to You and each other.

Let Your church fall to their knees, Lord.
Help it be a light in the midst of chaos.
Let us not lose our saltiness; instead,
Help us season and preserve all that is good.

We need You now more than ever;
The shadow of the next election is near us,
And we are desperate for the renewal
Than can only come from You, Sovereign King.

Be here in our hearts.
Be here in our minds.
Be here in our land.
Be with America!

In God we still trust,