January 21, 2025, I provided testimony on your behalf regarding SB 2104, which mandates school districts follow education-related state law. You can view my testimony here starting at 10:24:25.
SB 2104 does two important things:
- It allows the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction (NDDPI) to gather information or investigate a school’s compliance with educational laws or rules, such as the requirement to show a high-definition video in eighth-grade health classes.
- If the school district fails to comply with educational law, remedial steps must be completed. Non-compliance more than once jeopardizes a school’s financial support from the state and could result in a deduction of two percent of total state payments to the school district.
SB 2104 passed the Senate Education Committee with a “Do Pass” recommendation! It will be heard on the Senate floor as soon as TOMORROW, February 21, 2025! A special thank you to those who responded to my last e-alert on this issue. It made a difference!
Please Act: Your Senator needs to hear from YOU! To find your Senator, go here and click on “Find My Legislators” in the upper right-hand corner. Be sure to tell them you heard about this critical issue from Concerned Women for America of North Dakota.
Example of a simple email message:
Dear Senator _______,
Please support SB 2104 with a Green Vote. Every school district should follow educational laws. The educational law, for example, regarding a video of human growth and development in the womb, should be shown in every Middle School Health class, as required by law.
I was informed on this critical issue by Concerned Women for America of North Dakota.
Thank you,
Name, Town
Please Pray: Heavenly Father, thank You for the men and women You have put in places of leadership in our state. We ask You to provide each with the wisdom, strength, and discernment that Your ways will be honored and Your name is glorified across our state!