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Young Women for America: Project Identity

By October 24, 2024News and Events, YWA

Last weekend, Young Women for America (YWA) welcomed 28 leaders from around the nation to Concerned Women for America’s (CWA) headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia, for Project Identity: God’s Design for Sexuality in Policy and Culture. Through speakers, hands-on training, and intentional conversation, these leaders were equipped to engage within every area of society this issue touches: education, the law, medical care, sports, and so much more. The Lord’s presence was fervent throughout the entire event, breathing life into the schedule of events the YWA team had prepared.  

The weekend kicked off with five leaders lobbying alongside CWA’s legislative team on S.3729, and H.R. 7187, the Protection of Women in Olympic and Amateur Sports Act. Leaders spoke with the staff of Sen. Hawley (R-Missouri), Sen. Schmitt (R-Missouri) and Sen. Lummis (R-Wyoming), Rep. Weber (R-Texas), and Rep. Bice (R-Oklahoma) about the importance of promoting dignity and fairness in women’s sports.  

Madelyn Sestak, Chapter President at College of the Ozarks said, “This bill hits close to home for me as a former collegiate volleyball player. I know the dedication and effort it takes to reach that level of competition, and it’s frustrating that institutions aren’t protecting the safety and dignity of women in sports.” These young women were empowered by the opportunity to meet with these offices and are hopeful raising their voices will bring about positive change.  

Centering our hearts on the Lord before tackling a heavy issue, Friday morning began with a time of prayer and worship. The rich lineup of speakers that followed included Elizabeth Woning, co-founder of the CHANGED Movement; Dr. Queintin Van Meter of the American College of Pediatrics; Doreen Denny, CWA’s Senior Advisor; Johannes Wildmalm-Delphonse, Alliance Defending Freedom; two CWA State Directors, Teresa Pregnall and Linda Thorson, and many others.  

KathyGrace Duncan, also a member of the CHANGED Movement, shared her story of living as a man for 11 years before experiencing the redeeming love of Christ and walking in her God-given identity as His daughter. Her testimony perfectly encapsulates the deeper motivation our organization has for engaging in policy and culture–the Gospel.  

The intimate setting of this seminar allowed leaders to participate in a time of Q & A with each speaker and fellowship with them throughout the day. These interactions grew the leaders’ ability to articulate their convictions and sharpen their beliefs on various facets of this issue, better equipping them for advocacy.  

YWA seeks to educate leaders, while also equipping them to put their knowledge into action. The Testifying Simulation at Project Identity did just that. Divided into teams, the attendees were given one of two bills selected by CWA staff. Teams were given 25 minutes to read through the bill, conduct necessary research, and prepare written testimonies for their presenter to speak. Each presenter was then given three minutes to address their given bill and provide their reasoning for their standing.  

This was followed by a series of challenging questions by CWA staff and state directors who have ample experience testifying in legislative hearings. We were blown away by the leaders’ testimonies and poise! This professional and encouraging setting empowered the leaders in a fresh way, honing their public speaking skills and ability to understand legislation. Many shared they are now confident that they can testify in their state legislatures and look forward to using their voices in this capacity in the future. 

After being educated on Title IX, current legal cases, and “gender-affirming” medical care in the morning, attendees were blessed on Friday evening to hear from women within the CWA family who shared eloquently about Biblical femininity and God’s unique call for Christian women. Penny Nance, President and CEO of CWA, reminded the leaders “even when you’re in the minority and back on your heels, there are moments that are going to be beautiful because you don’t fight on your own. You fight with the Holy Spirit on your side and your sisters.” What an encouragement it was to be in a room full of these sisters!  

Teresa Pregnall, CWA State Director of Virginia, shared several examples of women in the Scriptures who demonstrate Biblical femininity, including Mary, the mother of Jesus. “Mary humbly submitted to God,” she said. “This is what Biblical femininity looks like. Willfully and humbly submitting to God and allowing Him to use us.” The mentorship between CWA field members and YWA leaders is a unique gift our organization has to offer. Our leaders are consistently blessed by opportunities to be poured into by these women, especially through events like these.  

To end the day, attendees were split into groups to prepare for their “after-action” items, allowing them future opportunities to put their newly gained wisdom into action. From writing op-eds, to planning campus events and crafting social media campaigns, the tangible fruit from the training will be clear to see in the coming months.  

The event concluded on Saturday morning with a field day on the Capitol lawn in Washington, D.C. Emphasizing our advocacy for fair competition in female sports, leaders were split into teams, playing fun games like flag tag, a 3-legged race and egg relays. It was a blast!  

The weekend was a testament to God’s ability to take our efforts and do “abundantly more than all we could ask or imagine” (Ephesians 3:20). CWA and YWA will continue to joyfully pray, educate, and advocate for God’s design for sexuality. We are grateful for these newly trained leaders who are prepared to do just that!