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Meet CWA Intern Noelle Fitchett

By July 16, 2021News and Events

Greetings! My name is Noelle Fitchett. I was born and raised in the City of Angels— Los Angeles, California. I begin my final year at California State University Fullerton, majoring in Biochemistry and Philosophy, concentrating on Moral and Legal Studies. I’m incredibly humbled and blessed to have the opportunity to intern at CWA in the Young Women for America department!

My journey toward CWA began in 2020 when many fell prey to the false gospel of social justice—myself included. After gaining new perspectives by reading Thomas Sowell and Samuel Suey, my heart shifted in the direction of advocacy as I realized most social justice movements are contrary to Biblical truth. As followers of Christ, we are to exemplify Christ in all we do, including politics.

It has been evident the Lord allowed me to be here by providing through every detail. I was introduced to CWA through Katie Everett, bringing me on as Young Women for America Ambassador. CWA differs from others because at the core of all they do, is Christ. Before CWA, I had yet to meet women who radiated intelligence and, as Penny Nance says, “Smart policy, solid theology.”

For a while, I wrestled with grasping whether politics and Christianity could coexist; being a part of CWA has affirmed that for the believer, they not only can but should. As 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, “Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all things for the glory of God.” Every day in the office, I gain insight, whether it is policy-related or theological insight.

One lesson I will never forget from CWA came from CWA’s General Counsel, Mario Diaz. He shared that we were to be a “blank document,” meaning to be open to and sign off on whatever the Lord has in store for my life. Lord willing, upon returning home, I will complete my dual degree and apply for graduate programs. I’m expectant and excited to see what the Lord has as I continue to seek Him on this newfound journey. I hope to glorify Him in whatever opportunities may come.