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Day 7- Prayer to Our Sovereign God

By April 6, 2020Blog, Covid-19

Heavenly Father, You are El-Elyon, the Sovereign God.
You reign supreme over the kingdoms of the earth,
Over the leaders of the nations.

You are our El-Roi, the God who sees.
You see all that is going on in this world
And in the heavenly realm.

You are our El Shaddai, the Almighty God who cares for us.
You are Yahweh, Jehovah, my God
Who has entered into a covenant relationship with us,
Because of our faith in Jesus our Savior.

We praise You for Who You are –
The omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent
Creator God who cares for us!

Forgive us for being fearful in these uncertain times
And for our lack of trust in Your power, Your presence, and Your peace.
Forgive us for not having sacrificial agape love
And for putting our needs first, ahead of others.

Thank You that You are working all things
For good to those who love You and who call
Upon Your name.

We pray against the powers of darkness that would use this crisis
For its evil purpose to promote death. Death by abortion, suicide,
Death of a nation, death of our personal liberties.

Instead, we ask that You cause a rebirth, a revival, a renewal in our nation.
Because of this time of “shelter home,” may our families become stronger.
May they turn to Jesus and return to church.
May our communities become closer knit, serving each other.

We ask this because strong families make strong communities,
Which in turn make for a strong nation.

We pray for our President to have Godly wisdom and discernment.
May he acknowledge You and seek Your guidance in all his decisions.
Give him the strength he needs for the task You have given him.

May those in authority over us work together in unity
And seek the good of the people and not their own gain.
Give the healthcare providers extra wisdom, strength, courage, and protection
As they serve the sick.

I ask that you remove this virus from our land
And that it would not wreak more havoc.
I ask that our country will return to financial stability quickly.

Please provide for those who are suffering loss during this time.
Open our eyes to those in need and show us how we can help.

We wait in hope for You, Oh LORD, for You are our help and our shield.
In You our hearts rejoice for we trust in Your holy name. (Psalm 33:20) 

We offer this prayer in the Name of Jesus,
Who loves us and gave His life for us,

This prayer was submitted by Southern California Area Director Ruth Smith. Click here for more prayers from our “30 Days of Prayer in the Midst of Covid-19” effort. Here for more coronavirus-related resources.