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Pro-life Groups Letter to President Trump: Americans Want Pro-life Policy Change on Fetal Tissue Research

President Donald J. Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20500

Dear President Trump,

December 20, 2018

During your first two years in office your administration has been dedicated to, and widely successful in, making policy to protect vulnerable unborn children and women. No doubt these policies have already saved babies and their mothers in the U.S. and abroad from the pain of abortion. We applaud your commitment, and the millions of pro-life Americans that we represent continue to stand with you in your determination to defend life at all stages.

We write to you today with great concern about National Institutes of Health (NIH) spending over $100 million taxpayer dollars in FY18 for research that involves the body parts of children derived from induced abortions. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) responded appropriately to this disturbing discovery by ending one contract with a fetal tissue procurer and conducting an ongoing audit of this research. We commend Secretary Azar for initiating the audit and for announcing new grants to pursue ethical alternatives to aborted fetal tissue research. Pro-life voters across America reject the use of their tax dollars to purchase the body parts of children and expect a comprehensive pro-life policy change at the end of this process.

The hearts, eyes, livers, and brains being purchased on the taxpayer’s dime to be used in laboratory experiments belong to fellow members of the human family. These organs are “harvested” after abortions that deprive these children of their right to life. There is absolutely no moral or ethical justification for treating children and their organs like commodities. Further, according to expert witnesses testifying at a recent Congressional hearing, there are viable alternatives to research using aborted fetal tissue. As documented at, life changing treatments and even cures have been generated for a growing list of diseases and conditions thanks to ethical stem cell research.

Unfortunately, amidst HHS’ audit and following the Congressional hearings last week, the NIH Director Francis Collins claimed in Science Magazine that fetal tissue will “continue to be the mainstay” of NIH research efforts. His comments put him at odds with Secretary Azar’s audit process. HHS has said that Director Collins’ statements “should not be seen as pre-judging the outcome of the review,” but they are greatly concerning to the millions of pro-life Americans awaiting a pro-life policy shift on this issue.

The millions of Americans we represent wholly reject Collins’ assertions and urge you to immediately end the unethical practice of using taxpayer dollars to experiment on the bodies of aborted children. This terrible atrocity is incongruous with your leadership in defense of human life. We look forward to working with you and with Secretary Azar to implement a new policy that affirms the dignity of all Americans, born and unborn.


Marjorie Dannenfelser
Susan B. Anthony List

Penny Young Nance
CEO and President
Concerned Women for America LAC

Jeannie Mancini
March for Life

Carol Tobias
National Right to Life

Catherine Glenn Foster
President and CEO
Americans United for Life

Kristan Hawkins
Students for Life of America

Greg Schleppenbach
Associate Director
Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops

David Christensen
VP for Government Affairs
Family Research Council

David Daleiden
Project Lead
The Center for Medical Progress

Lila Rose
President and Founder
Live Action

Fr. Frank Pavone
National Director
Priests for Life

Janet Morana
Executive Director
Priests for Life