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CWA State Organizations are hard at work

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January has brought a new year, and state legislatures across the country have started to convene. The 2018 sessions have already presented new challenges to the Biblical principles we value, but our state directors are already working diligently and strategically. Specifically, CWA of Georgia, California, and Maine have taken strong positions on several important bills which would positively or negatively impact their states.

The Georgia General Assembly convened on January 8, and CWA of Georgia’s State Director Tanya Ditty has made it a priority to monitor religious freedom, marijuana cultivation, gambling, and LGBT issues. She is supporting HR 447, which, if passed, would declare pornography a public health crisis. Additionally, CWA of Georgia is supporting SB 233, which is a state-level Religious Freedom Restoration Act.  They are also taking on the issue of so-called “hate crimes”.

Our state directors Marlo Tucker, from CWA of California, and Penny Morrell, from CWA of Maine, have already presented opposition to their state legislatures concerning abortion bills. CWA of California has strongly opposed SB 320. If passed, this bill will allow access to chemical abortions on all state-college campuses. CWA of Maine has opposed LD 1763, which would allow non-physician healthcare personnel to perform abortions. This would not only add to the number of abortions performed, but it could subject the women undergoing these procedures to additional risks.

Please pray for all of our state leaders and the many other pieces of legislation they will be working on throughout the year. Pray for them as they continue to stand for truth and fight for Biblical values.

If you would like to get involved with CWA in your state, please contact the National Field office at 202-488-7000.