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State Director Testifies in Support of Good Immigration Law that Protects Our Citizens

By April 20, 2017Maine
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Statement by
Penelope A. Morrell, State Director
Concerned Women for America of Maine
To Members of the Judiciary Committee

Regarding L.D. #366, “An Act To Ensure Compliance with Federal Immigration Law by State and Local Government Entities”

April 20, 2017

Chairmen Sen. Keim, Rep. Moonen and members of the Judiciary Committee, I’m Penny Morrell, State Director of Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Maine.  CWA is the largest public policy women’s organization in the nation.

CWA of Maine supports L.D.  #366.

We have many government agencies to protect us; however, they aren’t talking with each other, and that has created a lack of information needed by each agency to carry out their duties adequately.  We have some states and cities who are declaring themselves to be “sanctuary,” completely disregarding the rule of law.  Portland, Maine, is one of those cities. We must protect Americans first.

We must not forget that the terrorists who hijacked planes on 9/11 came into Maine across our border with Canada illegally.

A growing popular concept these days is to think globally.  This is fine, as long as it doesn’t compromise our sovereignty as both a state and nation. Concerned Women for America has chosen not to get down in “the weeds” of the immigration issue.  But our stand for years has been that we should enforce the law and we should secure our borders.  This legislation helps to move us forward on at least one of those points.

Maine should join with other states who have already implemented this law and the many who are in the process of doing so.

We urge this committee to vote “Ought To Pass” on L.D. #366.