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Our Vigilance Must Continue on Behalf of HB2 — Repeal Is Being Threatened

By December 21, 2016North Carolina

Dear Fellow North Carolinian,

Debacle Recreated

While we were all making our preparations for Christmas, those in Charlotte City Council were rubbing their hands together to re-create the nine-month-old bathroom bill debacle “proving this entire issue originated by the political left was all about politics and winning the governor’s race at the expense of Charlotte and our entire state,” according to Gov. Pat McCrory’s statement released yesterday. Had this Council not passed its ordinance in the first place last February, it would not have been necessary to call a Special State Legislative Session to enact HB2 to protect women and children across the state from ne’er-do-wells’ willingness to harm the innocent in bathrooms and locker rooms.

The Deal

As you may recall, last September, the Republican legislature extended a peace offering to the Charlotte City Council asking that they repeal their ordinance, which was immediately rejected. Although the Council had zero interest in a repeal in September, yesterday, December 19, this same Council found it politically expedient to offer the same compromise they rejected by repealing its ordinance that would have allowed men into women’s bathrooms, showers and locker rooms on condition that the General Assembly would completely repeal HB2 by December 31 in full with no conditions or accommodations.  Yesterday, the ordinance was repealed.  Today a Special Session begins to discuss and possibly vote on the issue.

Our Leaders Need to Hear From You Today With a Resounding “DO NOT REPEAL HB2!”

What is the Left Really Up To? Why Have They Now Willingly Given Up Their Ordinance?

What consequences might we expect if our General Assembly repeals HB2? Who is to say that if HB2 is repealed that counties around the state may enact their own ordinances, putting women and children, once again, at risk?  We are then back to the beginning, but worse.  Bottom line, what we do know is that HB2 MUST REMAIN.

Protection and Privacy Guaranteed

The sure way to continue to provide protection and privacy for North Carolina citizens is for the General Assembly to NOT REPEAL HB2. Unfortunately, there are signs of some conservatives weakening.

Please Pray

Pray for each of our North Carolina leaders by name listed below.  Pray for strength, wisdom, courage and a change of heart for any of your specific legislators that voted against HB2.  Ask the Lord to reveal the deeds of those plans made in darkness so that we may expose them.

“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret.” (Ephesians 5:11, 12)

“Yet give attention to your servant’s prayer and his plea for mercy, Lord my God. Hear the cry and the prayer that your servant is praying in your presence this day.” (1 Kings 8:28)

Take Action Today

Here are the things you can do NOW to ensure North Carolina’s commonsense privacy law remains intact:

  • Use our KeepNCSafe petition to send your legislator an e-mail and/or call them on the phone asking them to stand strong on HB2 if they originally voted for it and politely encourage them to support it now if they previously didn’t.  Click here to find out who your legislator is and how to contact him/her.  Click here to find out how your legislator voted on HB2.
  • Please contact Gov. Pat McCrory, and others that have stood by HB2, NOW, and encourage them to continue to stand strong.  The temptation to waver is strong!

Gov. Pat McCrory: email, call 919-814-2000 or 919-814-2050 and/or Facebook as: Office of North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory.
House Speaker Tim Moore (R-District 1111) at (919) 733-3451
Sen. President Pro Tempore Phil Berger (R-District 26) at (919) 733-5708
Lt. Governor Dan Forest at (919) 733-7350
Rep. Dan Bishop (R-District 104) who introduced HB2 at (919) 715-3009

  • Today, December 20, in Charlotte at 4:00 p.m. — join pastors, community leaders and involved citizens at a press conference at the City/County Government Plaza on 4th St. & Davidson St. Our efforts are to communicate our continued commitment to protect the safety and privacy of all our citizens and inform North Carolinians about how we believe we can best do that.
  • Tomorrow, December 21, as early as 9:00 a.m. — join us at the General Assembly in Raleigh to meet with your legislator in person and to insist that our legislative leaders continue to stand strong against any attempt to repeal HB2 and compromise citizens’ privacy rights and dignity interests.

HB2 is an excellent law which provides protection and privacy to those citizens who need it the most, unassuming women and children. Also relevant is the importance for the legislature to override the city that has no authority to create law over the state. So, should HB2 be repealed, we most likely will see more brazen local governments doing the same as the Charlotte City Council did.

That said, let not this issue, regardless of the outcome, deter our joy during this most glorious season of heightened recognition of the birth of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ.  He remains our hope, not HB2 or any other laws of men.

For Righteousness and Truth,
Jill Coward

State Director
CWA of North Carolina