CWA of North Dakota Commends Pro-life Students for Pursuing Club Status

By April 14, 2015North Dakota

Two Fargo sophomore students from two different schools have had their applications for pro-life high school clubs denied. These girls, however, are not taking the rejection quietly! Katie McPherson of Fargo Davis and Brigid O’Keefe from Fargo North have asked the school district for reconsideration after administrators placed the groups under a restricted category of “outside agency”. This means their groups cannot advertise their meetings in the announcements nor through posters and banners. These high school young women are asking for reconsideration so that pro-life groups are given club status and formally recognized in order to be able to meet as a club.

Let us take action.

  1. Please contact Superintendent Jeff Schatz of Fargo Public Schools at 1-701-446-1000 and/or e-mail him at Ask that pro-life groups be given club status.
  2. Send a message of support and encouragement to Brigid and Katie at
  3. Forward this message on to like-minded friends, family and acquaintances and encourage them to pray and take action on this important situation.

Let us pray. Join the voices of these young girls and PRAY that Fargo School Administrators will overturn their previous decision and approve the application for pro-life student organizations. May God provide victory so that Katie McPherson and Brigid O’Keefe can share the pro-life message of respect for people of all ages with their peers.

Find out more:
Say Anything Blog ( Pro-Life Advocates Describe Their Beef With Fargo Public Schools
Fargo Forum ( Forgo Students Say Rights Violated as District Denies Anti-Abortion Clubs