7-14-10 E-Alert

By July 19, 2010Washington


“If the next century does not find us a great nationit will be because those who represent themorality of the nation do not aid in controlling the political forces.” James Garfield, July 4, 1876

Dear CWA of Washington Members,

Thank you so much for signing up to receive these action alerts. For now, it is our primary mode of communication with our membership, although we hope to mail out a newsletter in the fall. Only about one-twelfth of our membership receives these e-mails so it is important for us to mail the newsletter. Your financial support will enable us to do so, and we gratefully thank you for your generous gifts. For your convenience, a membership form is attached.

With campaigns fully in gear, we can’t emphasize enough how important it is for you to be well informed on the principles that motivate candidates. CWA is a non-partisan organization, as you know, but we are very devoted to promoting Biblical values in the culture and, therefore, encourage our members to be registered to vote, be educated on the issues, attend any town hall or other meetings, and ask questions related to our six core issues: sanctity of life, definition of the family, education, religious liberty, pornography and national sovereignty.

One specific issue we would encourage you to ask candidates about is parental involvement in underage abortions. As you will recall, Ballard High School in Seattle called a taxi for a teenage girl and had her delivered to an abortion clinic. The clinic told her that if she did not tell her parents about the abortion, they would not charge her for the abortion. The student was then returned by taxi to Ballard High School. Only after she began to show serious symptoms related to post-abortion trauma did her pro-choice mother find out about her abortion and was able to obtain appropriate care for her daughter.

Washington is one of a handful of states with minimal restrictions on abortion, no matter the woman’s age or circumstances. This law has been in effect since 1991 when Initiative 120 was passed. Pro-life organizations tried to educate the public on the consequences of passing the initiative, but were unsuccessful in defeating it. After nearly twenty years, families are still suffering from those consequences. The majority of parents now agree with the pro-life community that parents should be involved in a minor daughter’s decision-making process in the case of pregnancy.

When you attend town hall meetings or other campaign events, will you please ask all state legislative candidates the following question? IF A BILL CAME BEFORE YOU IN THE STATE LEGISLATURE TO INVOLVE PARENTS IN THEIR MINOR DAUGHTER’S DECISION TO HAVE AN ABORTION, HOW WOULD YOU VOTE?

You could ask this question of all the candidates in person or e-mail or phone them with the question. I would appreciate hearing your own response to this question as well as any candidate’s response.


CWA COMES TO VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON!! If you live in the Vancouver area, please join us on Saturday, July 24, 2010, for prayer, fellowship and food, plus updates on CWA activities, a Shared Hope speaker and Research Mom’s “Citizen Activists Workshop”. Lunch on your own will be in the Vancouver Red Lion at the Quay (100 Columbia Street) ($8.50-14.00) followed by our meeting with complimentary dessert and coffee from 1:00-3:00 p.m. Please come meet us and bring a concerned friend! See the attached flyer, and use it as an invitation. Your RSVP will help us plan better: director@washington.cwfa.org or 425-869-1923 no later than Friday, July 23.

CWA REGIONAL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE: This year, CWA is holding an all-day meeting for our area in Irvine, California, on Saturday, September 18, 2010. Please consider attending this conference. You will be inspired, encouraged and educated by the outstanding CWA staff members, as well as by sharing fellowship with other concerned citizens. Come join your CWA of Washington leadership team in the Los Angeles area. We would love to see you there!

Details: Hilton Irvine/Orange County Airport, 18800 MacArthur Blvd, Irvine, CA 92612

Hotel reservation deadline is September 2 (1-800-HILTONS; use group code “CONWFA” or go to http://www.hilton.com/en/hi/groups/personalized/SNAOCHF-CONWFA-20100916/index.jhtml?WT.mc_id=POG). Room rate is $85/night for 1-4 occupants.

Conference registration deadline is September 2: give CWA a call at 202-488-7000

Air Travel: John Wayne Airport (SNA)

In His Service,

Maureen Richardson
State Director


P. O. Box 143

Woodinville 98072

P. S. Please help us to expand our impact by sharing this action alert with other concerned citizens. Thank you!