4-24-12 CWA E-Alert:The plans of men or the wisdom of God?

By April 24, 2012Washington

ACTION ALERT April 24, 2012

The plans of men or the wisdom of God?

Dear CWA of Washington Member,

Spring is bursting forth and it’s so refreshing to see the new growth on trees and enjoy those blooming flowers! Don’t you wish we could see such refreshing evidence in our surrounding culture? Do not lose heart, because some good things are happening. For example, in Spokane on Monday, April 16, the City Council took a 4-3 vote to defer the resolution in support of marriage “equality” indefinitely. Given the overflowing crowd and the emotional energy over this issue, that vote was amazing and very likely a response to the prayers and actions taken by many, many local residents to protect and preserve traditional marriage between one man and one woman, as defined by the majority of cultures and religions forever. So, when the plans of men seem to run contrary to the WORD of God, let’s remember to pray and believe what Proverb 16:3 says: Commit to the LORD whatever you do and your plans will succeed.” CWA of Washington says a hearty “THANK YOU!” to those citizens who stepped up in this issue, acknowledged God’s wisdom, and protected the fundamental institution in human society, the natural family of husband, wife and their natural or adopted children.

As CWA of Washington members likely know, the Protect and Preserve Marriage campaigns are up and running hard to save God’s creation of marriage between one man and one woman only. Will you join those campaigns and be a part of the battle? In a recent article, Brian Brown of the National Organization for Marriage congratulated former Governor and Congressman Robert L. Ehrlich, who used his Baltimore Sun column to predict “Maryland will reject same-sex marriage.” Although Ehrlich promoted gay rights as a Maryland legislator, he had this to say about traditional marriage:

“Many of us draw the line at marriage, however. We ask the state to defend this fundamentally important (albeit flawed) institution-not redefine it down to fit the demand of an influential interest group. Indeed, one redefinition will most assuredly beget additional redefinitions: Why not a civil right to more than one spouse? Where does one draw the line once the traditional threshold is crossed?

Traditional marriage is integral to our Judeo-Christian heritage. It is the institution most adept at the business of raising children. For many opponents, it’s not a civil rights issue. It’s about a foundational institution that deserves this ultimate protection.”

“Gays deserve respect,” he affirmed as we do, “but not the right to redefine society’s most important institution.”

LET THE PEOPLE VOTE!!! Please stay involved in the signature collecting for both marriage petitions to the people: Initiative 1192 reinstates our Defense of Marriage Act through a vote of the people, adding Washington to the list of 45 states that have retained their protections for traditional marriage: http://www.protectmarriagewa.com/.

Referendum 74 will reject the same-sex marriage bill (SB 6239) passed by the legislature and signed by the governor, thus stopping that bill from becoming law on June 7, 2012: http://preservemarriagewashington.com/ Both petitions are necessary and WE NEED YOUR HELP TO ACCOMPLISH THE GOAL OF LETTING THE PEOPLE VOTE IN NOVEMBER! This issue is too important to be decided by the politicians in Olympia!

Legislative News: We have one bit of good for our active members: ESHB 2330 that mandated that all insurance policies that covered maternity care must also cover abortions FAILED to pass the Senate after it was re-introduced during the special session. Thank you for making those contacts and saving more babies!


DAY OF SILENCE WALK-OUT: On Friday April, 20, 2012, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) once again exploited public schools to promote homosexuality and gender confusion as moral and normative through the political protest called the Day of Silence.

This year the Illinois Family Institute and Linda Harvey hope to write a follow-up story about the Day of Silence Walkout. They would like to share a few stories from different regions in the country.

If you kept your child home from school on the Day of Silence, could you drop us a short note about your situation? Here are some of the kinds of things we’re interested in hearing:

1. Whom did you contact at your school prior to the Day of Silence?

2. What did this person or persons tell you about how the administration’s expectations for teachers and students?

3. Did the administration contact parents prior to the Day of Silence to tell them that it was taking place, what it was, what organization promotes it, and about the administration’s expectations for student behavior?

Go here to share your story with us: director@washington.cwfa.org


NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER: Thursday, May 3rd. As my pastor says, we’re looking for a few thousand people!!! Consider joining a local gathering in your area and lift up prayers for our nation, our state, our churches, our families. You can locate a gathering through the NDP website: http://nationaldayofprayer.org/about/find-an-event/

As always, we appreciate your support and encourage your active involvement. Attached is a membership form. If you are interested in becoming a Prayer/Action Leader or a Home Team Captain or joining the state Steering Committee (we have several open positions that your skills might fill!), we would welcome your inquiry to the state office. Please share this action alert with other concerned citizens, especially women who want a better future for their families and might be interested in praying with us, educating themselves on cultural issues, and taking action.

James 2:17 tells us that “Faith by itself, if not accompanied by action, is dead.” What better way to take action than through Concerned Women for America of Washington, working together to restore the moral foundations of this nation? Please pray for our nation, our state, the church and our families. May we be found faithful when Christ returns.

In His Service Always,

Maureen Richardson, State Director

CWA of Washington

P.O. Box 143

Woodinville WA 98072
